From WRIL -

On Thursday May 11, 2023, a Kettle Island man identified as 65- year-old Daniel Patrick of Mill Creek Road was arrested for sexual offenses involving two young girls.
According to the criminal complaint warrant, KSP Detective Jake Wilson charged Patrick with committing the offenses of two counts of rape - 1st degree - victim under 12, two counts of sexual abuse - 1st degree - victim under 12, and two counts of sodomy -1st degree - victim under 12.
The two female victims were seven and eight years old and the acts are said to have taken place in March of this year.
The warrant further states that during the investigation, Patrick confessed to the acts that involved sexual contact with the victims. He claimed the acts happened one time, but the victims stated it happened multiple times. This included Patrick touching the girls in a sexual manner and having them do the same to him.
The victims went on to state that Patrick attempted to have them perform other sexual acts, but said they didn't do it. He stated that the victims watched pornography on his cell phone as well.
Daniel Patrick was lodged in the Bell County Detention Center and is being held on a $250,000 cash bond.