From WRIL -

On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Middlesboro Officer Wyatt Rossi responded to Middlesboro High School after a call came into dispatch regarding someone selling illegal substances to students in the parking lot.
Once on scene Officer Rossi met with School Resource Officer Petie Gilbert who said several students had made complaints about 18-year-old Lucas Johnson of Middlesboro selling Marijuana and pills to students in the parking lot.
SRO Gilbert and other school officials were out with Johnson in front of his vehicle and K-9 Sgt. Nick Capps along with K-9 Rahab had been called to the scene. Rahab had alerted on the passenger side of the vehicle. Johnson told the officers that he did have Marijuana under the front passenger seat which he had retrieved and given to SRO Gilbert prior to the K-9 arriving.
Officers then search the vehicle for further evidence finding rolling papers, a partially burned Marijuana cigarette, a rolling machine with green leafy residue, a ledger listing who he was selling to and the amounts, a Marijuana grinder with residue, a pack of baggies, another baggie containing what is believed to be Marijuana, a black bag with more Marijuana, and several empty baggies that once contained Marijuana. Johnson’s cell phone was also seized for evidence in the incident.
Lucas Johnson was arrested and lodged in the Bell Detention Center charged with trafficking controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school which is a Class D felony which carries a sentence of 1 to 5 years and a fine between $1,000 and $10,000.
he is crazy