From The Bell County Sheriff's Department -

At approximately 6:58 Wednesday night July 17, 2019 Bell County Deputy Adam Southern observed a 2003 maroon Mitsubishi Eclipse on Highway 1534 cross into his lane of travel causing him to swerve.
After initiating a traffic stop on the vehicle, Deputy Southern made contact with the driver 24 year old Michael Lynn Payne of Miracle, Kentucky. The deputy confirmed through Bell Dispatch that Paynes license was suspended and he was also confirmed as having two outstanding warrants.

During a search incident to arrest, Deputy Southern found Payne to be in possession of a large bag containing several individual baggies of a crystal like substance believed to be Methamphetamine packaged for resale, one set of digital weighing scales coated in crystal residue, and empty syringes.
The suspected Methamphetamine weighed just over 12 grams.
A passenger in the vehicle, 30 year old Tiffany Leann Lewis of Arjay, was also found to have an outstanding warrant.
Both Payne and Lewis were transported to and lodged in the Bell County Detention Center.
Michael Payne was charged with possession of controlled substance – 1st degree, 1st offense – (Methamphetamine), trafficking controlled substance – 1st degree, 1st offense – (greater than 2 grams Methamphetamine), buying/possessing drug paraphernalia, and careless driving. He was served an outstanding warrant for criminal mischief/contempt of court and another for a parole violation.

Tiffany Lewis was charged with trafficking controlled substance – 1st degree, 2nd degree – (greater than 2 grams – Methamphetamine), possession of controlled substance – 1st degree, 1st offense, buying/possessing drug paraphernalia, and she was served a bench warrant for failure to pay a fine for possession of controlled substance.