From WRIL -

On Sunday, November 7, 2021, Middlesboro K-9 Officer Nick Capps was on routine patrol when he saw a 1996 green Toyota pickup truck with a license plate issue. The officer initiated a traffic stop at the intersection of Winchester Avenue and 38th street.
Upon contact with the driver, 25-year-old Lucas Roark of Harrogate, Tennessee, Roark stated he had no insurance. Consent to search the pickup was asked by Officer Capps, but denied by Roark.
Roark and his passenger were told to exit the vehicle while Capps had K-9 Rahab conduct a “free-air sniff” on the outside of the pickup. There was then an alert to the presence of drugs on the passenger side.
Located in the pickup was a clear baggie which held a crystal-like substance believed to be Methamphetamine and a Xanax pill which Roark claimed were his.
While the passenger was permitted to leave, Lucas Roark was arrested and lodged in the Bell County Detention Center charged with possession of controlled substance – 1st degree, 1st offense (Methamphetamine), possession of controlled substance – 3rd degree, 1st offense (drug unspecified), no registration plates, and no insurance.
He has since been released from custody. No bond was mentioned.