From the Laurel SD/Corbin Police Department/added content WRIL -
UPDATE: Two more individuals (Not pictured yet) have been arrested in regard to the thefts. We understand that and Kody and Shannon Davidson were taken into custody by several law enforcement agencies a short time after 3:30pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
30-year-old Shannon Ray Davidson age 30 of Sparrow Ln., Barbourville, KY is charged with criminal mischief – first-degree; burglary – third-degree; theft by unlawful taking from building $1000 or more but under $10,000; receiving stolen property $1000 or more but under $10,000.
Allegedly, on July 30, 2022 Shannon forced entry into the Speedy Mart 3 miles South of London off Highway 229, entered the service station wrapping a large chain around the ATM machine and using a stolen Van ripped the ATM out of the store causing severe damage to the ATM and the store. The ATM and stolen Van were recovered in Knox County.
Also, the subject was charged on a Laurel District Court complaint warrant of arrest charging criminal mischief – first-degree; receiving stolen property $10,000 or more; attempted theft by unlawful taking $1000 or more but under $10,000 regarding an investigation conducted by the Laurel County Sheriff's office regarding an attempt to steal the Whitaker bank ATM while driving a stolen vehicle that was later recovered.
A Whitley District Court complaint warrant of arrest charging burglary third-degree; criminal mischief – first-degree regarding an investigation by Corbin Police Department where allegedly Shannon was driving a Ford F350 reported stolen and attempted to steal an ATM at the Express Mart. Additionally hel was charged on a Whitley District Court complaint warrant of arrest charging burglary – third-degree; theft by unlawful taking; criminal mischief – first-degree regarding an investigation by Corbin Police Department where allegedly he was seen exiting a reported stolen vehicle and backed through the door at Tomahawks in Corbin stealing an ATM machine and damaging the doorway there.
31-year-old Kody Davidson of Sparrow Ln., Barbourville, KY charged on a Laurel District Court complaint warrant of arrest charging criminal mischief – first-degree; receiving stolen property $10,000 or more; attempted theft by unlawful taking following an investigation by the Laurel County Sheriff's office where allegedly this individual attempted to steal the Whitaker Bank ATM while driving a reported stolen vehicle that was later recovered causing damage to the ATM.
The two are lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.
The Barbourville Police Department, Corbin Police Department, and Williamsburg Police
Department jointly announce that an investigation conducted by Detectives within each department has resulted in the identification and arrest of individuals responsible for a rash of business burglaries where damages were caused to the business buildings and ATM machines were stolen which contained a large amount of currency.
The investigation proved that the individuals were particularly connected to burglaries that occurred on August 27th 2022 at Tomahawks located in Corbin, Ky, Whitaker Bank, Corbin, KY and on August 28th 2022 at Express Mart located in Williamsburg, Ky.
The investigation resulted in the arrest of: 39-year-old Dave Edward Smith of Flat Lick, Ky. (Criminal Mischief 1st Degree (2 Counts), Burglary 3rd Degree (2 Counts), Theft by unlawful taking $1000 < $10,000)
31-year-old B.J. Hubbard of Flat Lick, Ky. (Criminal Mischief 1st Degree, Burglary 3rd Degree (2 Counts), Theft by unlawful taking $1000 < $10,000)
More arrest and charges are expected in other jurisdictions and the investigation is being continued by Sergeant Adam Townsley (Barbourville Police Department), Detective Basil Hodge (Corbin Police Department), and Officer Dorman Patrick (Williamsburg Police Department). These arrest would not be possible without a great working relationship between these departments and other departments involved.
Similar incidents took place in Lee County, Virginia and Claiborne County, Tennessee which may be connected to this crime spree that started with the theft of a van from New Heights Church in Middlesboro, Kentucky.