From The Lee Daily Register/Woodrow Grizzle III
On Monday, March 11, 2019 the Lee County Circuit Court sentenced Pennington Gap resident John Eldridge to serve a life sentence in the Virginia Penitentiary for object sexual penetration against a minor under the age of 13 in March of 2017.

Lee County Commonwealth’s Attorney H Fuller Cridlin released the following statement:
“This case was brought to my office by Lt Bobby Ellis with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, who conducted a very thorough investigation. I would like to thank Lt Ellis for working closely with my office in bringing the charge and continuing to work with us throughout all stages of the prosecution. I would also like to thank Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Sarah Wynn, and the victim advocacy team with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, for outstanding work in this horrific case.
My office is relentless in our pursuit of maximum sentences in these difficult cases. This is the second such case in the last ten months in which we have successfully obtained a life sentence. In bringing the defendant to justice today, and ensuring that he never again seen the light of day outside the Virginia Penitentiary. I pray that his victims can find some peace and comfort.”