From The Bell County Sheriff's Department -

On Wednesday, September 18, 2019, at approximately 12:26pm an investigation by the Bell County Sheriff’s Department revealed that 34-year-old Rebecca Leighann Metcalf of Middlesboro held outstanding federal arrest warrants.
Deputy Edward Dray along with Chief Deputy Doug Jordan, located Metcalf in a parking lot in the vicinity of US 119 / US 25 in Pineville.
Upon contact with Metcalf, she was placed under arrest but immediately requested to go to the restroom exhibiting behavior leading Deputy Dray to believe that she might be in possession of dangerous contraband. The deputy explained to Metcalf that additional felony charges would be incurred if she failed to turn over any dangerous contraband. During transport she told the deputies that she had "Gabapentin and Xanax."
Upon arrival at the Bell County Detention Center, First Sergeant Katy Cox, conducted a strip search of Metcalf locating a small clear plastic bag with held a 1/2 round green tablet believed to be Oxycodone, an oval orange tablet believed to be Alprazolam, and 9 oval white tablets believed to be Gabapentin.
Rebecca Leighann Metcalf was charged with:
Possession Controlled Substance - 1st Degree, 1st Offense- (Drug Unspecified) (Oxycodone),
2 counts of Possession Controlled Substance - 3rd Degree (Drug Unspecified) (Alprazolam and Gabapentin),
Buying/possessing drug paraphernalia.
She was also served the federal warrant and a probation violation warrant.