From Frakes VFD Fire Chief Jason Partin -

(Fonde Mountain, Ky.) At approximately 5:00pm on Thursday, March 26th, 2020, the Frakes Volunteer Fire Department was paged to a vehicle fire on KY Hwy 3485 (also know as Fonde Mountain).
Once on scene, members found a Dodge Ram fully involved with all occupants outside of the vehicle without any injuries.
After checking on the occupant, the fire was quickly extinguished and the road was reopened to traffic. The driver explained that as he was driving, he saw smoke coming out from under the hood. He pulled to the side of the roadway and opened the hood to find that the engine compartment was engulfed with flame.
A passerby motorist stopped and had some water that they used to try to extinguish the fire, also getting water from a close by puddle. Just as they thought they had the fire out, the fire spread into the passenger compartment. Soon after, the first Frakes fire unit arrived on scene and tried extinguishing the fire with an extinguisher and almost had the fire out, when other members arrived.
Also assisting at the scene was the Bell County Sheriff's Office.