From WRIL -

On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Tazewell Police Chief Jeremy Myers arrested a Claiborne County High School teacher in regard to a theft from the school.
In the citation, Chief Myers states that he contacted the Claiborne County Board of Education and spoke with Director of Schools Dr. Linda Keck in reference to a stolen laptop computer.
The computer in question, issued by the school to teacher 44-year-old Timothy Wayne Munsey, had been located at Shylock’s Pawn Shop in Tazewell. The computer was positively identified by the school system information technology employee as school property.
The chief’s investigation determined that the computer had been pawned on (14) fourteen separate occasions beginning February 24th of this year, ending on August 10th.
Munsey was arrested without incident at his home on Thursday, September 16, 2021, lodged in the Claiborne County Jail, and charged with theft of property $500 - $1,000.
Timothy Wayne Munsey has since been released from the jail on bond.
He is scheduled to have a first appearance in Claiborne County General Session Court on September 28, 2021.
Dr. Linda Keck, Director of Claiborne County Schools supplied this information in regard to this incident: "Claiborne County Schools was recently made aware of a teacher, Timothy Munsey, possibly pawning school property for personal gain. Once that teacher was then arrested by the Tazewell Police Department, the Director of Schools soon met with the teacher and accepted his immediate resignation. The Director of Schools has also reported this matter to the Office of the Comptroller and to the Tennessee State Board of Education. Because the teacher is no longer employed by Claiborne County Schools, however, we would refer all other questions on this criminal matter to the Tazewell Police Department."