From WRIL-

On Tuesday morning November 17, 2020 at 8:30am, Middlesboro Police Officer Dakota Torstrick - assisted by Officers Bradley Fuson and Jeremiah Johnson - made a traffic stop on a 2003 silver Honda Accord near the intersection of Highway 25E and Cumberland Avenue for numerous traffic violations.
Upon contact with the driver, 33-year-old Mary Davidson of Cumberland Kentucky, Officer Torstrick determined she did not have a valid operator’s license, no insurance, and an expired registration on the vehicle. She was also exhibiting behavior consistent with being under the influence. Standard field sobriety tests were administered, which Davidson failed.
A search incident to arrest revealed suspected Methamphetamine. While being arrested Davidson attempted to ingest several bags of the drug and had to be taken by Middlesboro Fire/EMS to Middlesboro ARH for treatment. She was cited to court for her charges which are trafficking in controlled substance – 1st degree, 1st offense (Methamphetamine), tampering with physical evidence, buying/possession drug paraphernalia, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, no/expired registration, failure to maintain insurance, failure to signal, two seatbelt violations, and no operator’s license.

Passenger 26-year-old Matthew Adams, of Harlan Kentucky, was seen by Officer Jeremiah Johnson having what he believed to be a bag of Methamphetamine. Once a search of the vehicle was conducted, a handgun was found in the area Adams had been seated.
Matthew Adams was taken into custody and lodged in the Bell County Detention Center charged with trafficking in controlled substance - 1st degree, 1st offense greater than two grams (Methamphetamine), buying/possession drug paraphernalia, and possession of a handgun by a convicted felon.