From WRIL -

Pineville Independent Schools Superintendent Russell Thompson tells WRIL that after much deliberation at the Monday night August 17th school board meeting, the decision was made not to take the recommendation of Governor Beshear to start in person instruction on September 28th.
After the discussion and speaking to the Kentucky Department of Education Commissioner Kevin C. Brown, the school has opted for starting in person classes on September 1, 2020.
The school will offer three instructional options for students and their families which they can choose best fits their needs. Families may decide between a traditional schedule, a virtual schedule, or a hybrid/blended schedule.
In addition to meeting the needs of families, this will allow our school to operate with fewer students inside the building for traditional instruction, supporting the ability to socially distance and limit movement.
More information can be found at
We have also contacted Bell County Superintendent Tom Gambrel who tells us that although their school board meets Tuesday night, no final decision has been made on their start date. Middlesboro is set to have a board meeting on Tuesday and may decide when their classes begin.