From the Lee County VA Sheriff Gary Parsons -

On Friday, May 1, 2020 Sgt. Chad Rouse was on patrol in the Pennington Gap area and located a vehicle displaying the wrong tags.
A traffic stop was conducted and the occupants of the vehicle were acting suspicious and did not want to provide their identity. Sgt. Rouse contacted Sgt.Mason Cook with K9 Lolek and he immediately alerted to the presence of narcotics.
A search was conducted and officers located Methamphetamine, digital scales, three handguns, an AR 15 rifle and a large quantity of ammunition. 1,164.00 dollars was also seized in the search.
27 year old Jimmy Wayne Barnette, of 2432 Preston Road Big Stone Gap, was charged with possession of Methamphetamine with intent to distribute, and possession of a firearm while in possession of a schedule II narcotic.
32 year old Steven Mullins, of 2015 Carniage Lane Big Stone Gap, was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and conspiracy to distribute a schedule II narcotic.
Shealon Seiber of 2432 Preston Road Big Stone Gap was charged with possession of Methamphetamine.
Sgt. Rouse was assisted by Lt. Todd Jones, Sgt. Mason Cook, K9 Lolek, Deputy Tim Deel, and investigators of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department.
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