From WRIL -

On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Harlan County Deputy Ball was dispatched to Cawood Elementary School in regard to a woman assaulting a school staff member. Once on scene, Deputy Ball observed the woman, later identified as 37-year-old Teresa Wells of Cawood, attempting to run from the school.
The deputy states in his citation that Wells was very disorderly screaming and cursing "talking out of her head."
Wells was reported to have pinned a woman who is the head custodian against a wall and assaulted Superintendent Brent Roark and Brett Johnson, Director of pupil personnel.
Teresa Wells was arrested and lodged in the Harlan County Detention Center charged with assault - 3rd degree (school employee or school volunteer), public intoxication (excluding alcohol), and disorderly conduct.
She is being held on a $2,000 cash bond.
Assisting was Deputy Jayson Howard and Chief Deputy Matt Cope.
In a previous story, on Sunday September 8, 2019 at 7:24 a.m. Kentucky State Police, Post 10 Harlan received a call that a female had stolen and was operating a school bus in the Cawood community of Harlan County. Wells was identified as the suspect and was charged with theft by unlawful taking (auto) - $10,000 or more but under $1,000,000, DUI, no operator’s license, no seat belt, and license to be in possession among other violations.