From the Knox County Sheriff's Office

On January 12, 2018 at approximately 12:00 am Knox County Deputies Mikey Ashurst and Hunter Luttrell responded to a disturbance between a father and son at a residence on Bargo Loop in Bimble.
After conducting an investigation, the father, 42 year old Christopher Charles Bingham of Bimble, KY was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct-2nd Degree and Alcohol Intoxication in a Public Place. He was also wanted on a Knox County Bench Warrant for failure to appear on a Criminal Mischief-1st Degree charge.

24 year old Christopher Charles Bingham JR also of Bimble was observed traveling on HWY 3439 in Barbourville. When he saw the deputies, he accelerated his vehicle at a high rate of speed and turned onto Castlewood Drive in an attempt to flee.
The deputies were able to locate and arrest Christopher Bingham JR him with Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influencer, Fleeing or Evading Police-1st Degree, Resisting Arrest, No Insurance, Driving on DUI Suspended License and Improper Turning. While being processed at the Knox County Detention Center, suspected methamphetamine was located hidden on his person.
Christopher Bingham JR was then charged with Possession of Controlled Substance-1st Degree and Promoting Contraband. He was also wanted on three Knox County Bench Warrants for failure to appear on Falsely Reporting an Incident, Wanton Endangerment-2nd Degree, (2 counts), Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition, and a Probation Violation charge.
Christopher Bingham and Christopher Bingham JR were lodged in the Knox County Detention Center.