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Fire station named for citizen

From Cumberland Councilman David Dixon

Joe Carruba

Tonight the City Council approved the following resolution presented by Councilman David Dixon


WHEREAS, the City of Cumberland, Kentucky has three fire stations and has maintained a fire department for several years; and WHEREAS, the city council of Cumberland, Kentucky wishes to recognize the service of outstanding community members and former city employees; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joe Carruba was a resident of Cumberland for many years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Carruba served as a firefighter and fire chief for many years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Carruba continued to provide his expertise and advice to the fire department after his retirement; and WHEREAS, to honor Mr. Carruba and his contributions,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CUMBERLAND, KENTUCKY: 1. Name the Fire Station on Cumberland Avenue aka Back Street in Honor Mr Carruba; 2. The Fire Station will now be known as the Joe Carruba Cumberland Fire Station; 3. That the council members and mayor express deep gratitude to Mr. Carruba; and 4. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Council as part of the permanent record of the City of Cumberland.

A motion to approve the resolution was made by David C. Dixon Seconded by Teresa Raleigh Motion carried with a vote of 7 yes votes and 0 no votes

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