From WRIL -

On Friday June 4, 2021 Middlesboro Officer Jeremiah Johnson arrested a man on several charges including kidnapping.
According to the citations, 41 year old Brian K. Brown unlawfully restrained a woman with whom he had past domestic issues. Officer Johnson also stated in the report that Brown terrorized the woman with a knife threatening to cut her and stab her in the face.
Brown is also accused of holding the victim against her will in a vehicle behind apartments on north 19th street from approximately 8:00pm on Thursday June 3, 2021, until 12:50pm on Friday June 4th.
Police were alerted to the incident by a caller who witnessed Brown with the knife threatening the victim.
During a search incident to arrest, Brown was found in possession of (4) four bags in his pockets containing a rock-like substance believed to be Methamphetamine. He was also found in possession of two knives.
Brian Brown was taken into custody and lodged in the Bell County Detention Center. He is charged with kidnapping – adult, possession of controlled substance - 1st degree, 1st offense – Methamphetamine, carrying a concealed weapon. He was also served (4) four bench warrants, and a complaint warrant for non-support for over $6800.
Also assisting on scene was Sgt. Kenny Vanover, Officer Brad Fuson, and Officer Dakota Torstrick.