From WRIL - The Big One -

Early Monday morning at approximately 3:38am, Middlesboro Police Officer Jake Quillen was dispatched to a South 35th Street residence in reference to an unwanted male armed with a handgun.
Once on scene Officer Quillen made contact with three individuals at the home that stated 24-year-old Billy Vanover kicked in a window air conditioner unit, then walked to the front door of the residence kicking the door multiple times attempting to force entry.
Two of the victims stated that Vanover had pointed a gun at them stating that he was "not afraid to go to prison for the rest of his life." All three victims stated Vanover also said "it's about to get dangerous, I'm going to shoot up this house."
Along with the three adults at the time of the incident, there were also a four and a five year old children in the home.
Billy Vanover was arrested and lodged in the Bell County Detention Center charged with wanton endangerment - 1st degree and attempted burglary - 1st degree. He is being held on a $50,000 cash bond.