From The News Journal -

Whitley County Sheriff’s deputies are encouraging people walking after dark to wear reflective clothing following a hit and run accident, which was reported Saturday evening September 12, 2020 on US25W (Cumberland Falls Highway). The accident happened between 9 – 9:30 p.m. near Holloway Drive.
Michael Taylor was walking back from the dollar store carrying some bags when he was struck by an unknown vehicle about a couple hundred yards from his residence on the opposite side of the road, said Whitley County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Lawson. The area wasn’t well lit and Taylor was wearing all dark clothing, Lawson noted.
Members of Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department quickly responded to the scene and provided first aid until Whitley County EMS could arrive.
Taylor was taken to the University of the Kentucky Medical Center.
His wife, Melissa Taylor, posted on Facebook Monday that he still has no feeling in his leg, and he’s not able to walk, but is being transferred to Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital.
“He does remember the truck coming towards him so he jumped out of the way the best way he could but it still got him,” Melissa Taylor posted on Facebook adding that her husband lost consciousness.
Before Taylor was transported to the hospital, he wasn’t able to give police a good description of what happened or of the vehicle, Lawson noted.
Lawson said that deputies were able to get some witness statements, and are still investigating the case but currently don’t have a lot to go on.
Lawson is in charge of the investigation and was assisted by Whitley County Sheriff’s Sgt. Jonas Saunders and Deputy J.B. Coffey.